• Here are some things you might like to know about counseling

What can I expect in an initial consulation?


We’ll use the 30 minute consultation to briefly explore why you are seeking counseling, answer your questions about what to expect, and to get a sense of each other for good “fit” in working together. There’s no obligation on your part to continue working with me, and if it sounds like you may be better served working with a different professional with other specialties, Melissa will offer resources to help you continue your search for support

What can I expect in a session?


Sessions usually run about 50 minutes, although we might agree on a different length of time depending on the work we want to accomplish. Sessions usually start with checking in, and then we may move into work we had planned from the prior session, or address something that has come up in your life recently. The session is your time, and we will agree on how best to use that time.

How often do we meet?


On the whole, keeping a regular schedule of sessions is best. Most people schedule weekly sessions. Sometimes more frequent sessions may be suggested for particular issues or work. Or, as work progresses, we may agree to meet bi-weekly. Again, the choice is yours based on your situation, finances, and your ability to make time in your life for regular sessions.


You don’t list couples counseling as a speciality. What if my main issue has to do with my relationship(s)?

We don’t live or work in a void, and relationships are often central to what clients wish to address. While counseling couples together is not Melissa’s speciality, working together to improve communication skills, or address an issue that pertains to your relationships - even those at work or with friends or family - is definitely on the menu. Sometimes there may be an agreement that it would be beneficial to invite your partner into session, with the understanding that Melissa is your counselor and the session is to improve understanding on specific issues.

What are your fees? Can I use my insurance?


The fee for regular sessions is $160. There are a few insurance companies that can be directly billed, or provide you with a SuperBill for reimbursement.

Self-pay clients (not billing insurance) receive a discounted rate of $135 per session.

We will address any questions you have about this in our consultation or first session.

Do you ever plan to return to in-person sessions?


Melissa plans to continue to work remotely, even when or if the pandemic ends. We have found that counseling via Telehealth has been more convenient and effective than we could have predicted, and still often allows for the connection and deeper work that we wish to do. If you are anywhere in the state of Oregon, we can hold a session, even if you are not a resident.